In early 2022 and in collaboration with Zuni Public School District, ZYEP conducted a community wide survey that included the voices of youth, parents, elders, and other community members, and 77.7% of those participants reported that Zuni needed more after school programs. Historically, ZYEP has been one of the only organizations providing after school activities in Zuni. Upon reflection on the success of our summer camp and lessons learned in our other activities, we launched ZYEP’s first ever Rooted in Healthy Traditions After School Program.
After School Program
This program follows a similar structure to summer camp where 100 elementary and middle school youth stay after school three days a week from 3pm to 5pm and engage in a healthy, Zuni strengths based curriculum. Students enjoy food sovereignty education, healthy snacks, physical activity, traditional art, cultural knowledge sharing, and homework help. Contributing to our leadership program, young adults (ages 15-24) serve as mentors in the program and gain paid, professional work experience.
Intergenerational Relationships
A significant aspect of this program are our elder mentors who serve has a hotda, nana, kuku, and kyakya (grandmother, grandfather, aunt, and uncle) to the participants and mentors. Our elders and youth yearn to connect with one another but at times do not know how. ZYEP aims to be the place, activity, and opportunity where our youth and elders can engage with one another in a fun and supportive way in order for our traditions, values, and ways of being to continue in Zuni.