Invest in zuni youth today!
Your tax-deductible donation today is an investment in the health and future of Zuni’s young people. You can help increase access to enriching programs healthy environments, and encouraging mentors.
Together, we can empower the next generation of Zuni leaders and ensure that they have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive. Elahkwa, thank you, for your support and for being a champion of Zuni
Elahkwa (Thank you)!
The Zuni Youth Enrichment Project
The Zuni Youth Enrichment Project is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, ID #26-3259987. Contributions to ZYEP are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
“I started coming to ZYEP so I could do flag football, but then joined more programs like basketball, storytelling, art, dance, and the after school program.
ZYEP has had a positive impact on my life. I feel more connected with my culture and more confident about myself.
What would I like to do in the future? I have three top choices. I’d like to be a pediatric doctor, a paramedic, or a history teacher at the college level.”
Darren Lesarlley, Age 11
Prefer to Contribute by Mail?
Please send a check or money order to:
Zuni Youth Enrichment Project
PO Box 447
Zuni, NM 87327
No blue chip stock or tax free bond or mutual fund or bull market can come close to the massive dividend and long term yield that can be made by investing in ZYEP! All that jargon is humbled by one simple concept… ZYEP is the future!
Your donation is an investment in our most important resource… children who will be our nation’s future.
Raymond Hall
Proud Donor Since 2015